Friday, October 15, 2010

Sally's Weekly Update for 10/15/10

We have a number of signed debut mysteries this week.

All of them are getting excellent reviews.

Happy reading.

Sally Owen
The Mysterious Bookshop

The Mysterious Bookshop

58 Warren Street

New York, NY 10007

Ph: 212-587-1011

Fax: 212-587-1126

Open Seven Days, 11.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Weekly Update 10/15/10


Friday, October 22nd 6.20 p.m. - 8.00 p.m.

Peter Lewis will be reading from and discussing his debut novel

Dead in the Dregs, a trade paperback original.

When a prominent wine critic’s body is found floating in a vat, Babe Stern investigates.

Peter Lewis is a Seattle restaurateur and consultant.


Damage Done is the first novel of Hilary Davidson. Lily Moore, a successful travel writer, lives in Spain, but returns to New York when her troubled younger sister, Claudia, is found dead. But the body in the morgue is not that of Claudia, but of a stranger who has been using Claudia’s identity. Great reviews from Ken Bruen, Dennis Tafoya, Linda Fairstein, and Megan Abbott. $24.99

Rogue Island by Bruce DeSilva is also a debut novel, this one set in Providence, Rhode Island. Liam Mulligan is an old-school newspaperman who sets out to find who is behind the systematic burning down of his childhood neighborhood. DeSilva is an old-school newspaperman himself. He recently retired as Associated Press’s writing coach, responsible for training AP journalists worldwide. $24.99

Adam Dunn sets Rivers of Gold in New York City in the very near future. Race riots, unemployment, crime, vacant buildings and a thriving black market define New York City in 2013. Detective Sixto Santiago is part of an experimental new NYPD unit known as the Citywide Anticrime Bureau (CAB), squads of undercover cobs in taxicabs who are meant to hold down the chaos , enough to keep the tourists coming. Santiago must deal with a dangerous city, but his most dangerous foe might just be his new partner. A first novel. $25.00

The Sleepwalkers by Paul Grossman is set in 1932 Berlin. It is the final days of the Weimar Republic and Hitler and his Nationalist Socialist Party are about to assume control of Germany. Willi Kraus is a detective investigating the death of a mysterious young woman who has been pulled from the Havel River. Willi is a jew and is very disturbed at the direction Germany is taking. This first novel is for lovers of the Bernie Gunther series by Philip Kerr clearly. $24.99

The Detroit Electric Scheme by D.E. Johnson is set in the early 1900's. Will Anderson is the prime suspect in the death of his ex-fiancee’s new fiancé who has been crushed by a hydraulic roof press. What follows is a fast-paced ride through Detroit, involving murder, blackmail, and organized crime. Yes, another first novel. $24.99

Elmore Leonard stopped by to sign the trade edition of his latest, Djibouti. This is a Crime Club Main Selection. $26.99

We still have copies of the true first edition of Djibouti. This is a limited edition published by The Mysterious Bookshop. 100 signed numbered editions. $150.00. 26 signed lettered editions. $275.00

Leonard also signed Comfort to the Enemy and Other Carl Webster Stories. The title novella appeared as a serial in the New York Times Sunday Magazine. There are two other Carl Webster stories. This is a Trade Paperback original. $14.99


Dictator is the fourth thriller by Tom Cain to feature Samuel Carver who, this time out, is offered a job by powerful business interests. Carver is to enforce the regime change in an African nation run by a dictator who is killing the citizens while growing rich on the country’s natural resources. $40.00

Fall of Giants by Ken Follett is the first in a trilogy spanning the twentieth century. Five families are brought together through the world-changing dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for votes for women. A British Crime Club Selection. $50.00


The 25th Hour by David Benioff, Carroll & Graf, NY. 2000. First Edition. $75.00

Author’s increasingly scarce first book. Since publication of this book, Benioff has gone on to become one of Hollywood’s hottest screenwriters. Very fine in dust jacket.

When the Sacred Ginmill Closes by Lawrence Block, Arbor House, NY. 1986. First Edition. $45.00

A Matt Scudder novel. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block, Dark Harvest, Arlington Heights. 1992. First U.S. Hardcover Edition. $75.00

First Matt Scudder novel, previously published as a paperback original. This edition has a new introduction by Stephen King. Very fine in dust jacket.

Time to Murder and Create by Lawrence Block, Dark Harvest, Arlington Heights. 1993. First U.S. Hardcover Edition. $75.00

Second Matt Scudder novel, previously published as a paperback original. With a new introduction by Jonathan Kellerman. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon, HarperCollins, NY. 2007. First Edition. SIGNED. $30.00

Nebula and Hugo Award winner. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Unquiet by John Connolly, Hodder & Stoughton, London. 2007. First Edition SIGNED. $40.00

A very fine copy of this outstanding Charlie Parker novel, with the CD issued with some copies of the book.

Lullaby Town by Robert Crais, Bantam, NY. First Edition. 1992. First Edition. SIGNED. $750.00

An immaculate copy of the author’s scarcest book. As new in like dust jacket.

The Last Detective by Robert Crais, Doubleday, NY. 2003. First Edition. SIGNED. $25.00

Publicity letter from Crais laid in. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Forgotten Man by Robert Crais, Doubleday, NY. 2005. First Edition. SIGNED. $25.00

Publicity letter from Crais laid in. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Bookman’s Wake by John Dunning, Scribner, NY. 1995. First Edition. SIGNED. $35.00

Second Cliff Janeway bibliomystery. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Bookman’s Promise by John Dunning, Scribner, NY. 2004. First Edition. SIGNED. $35.00

Third Cliff Janeway bibliomystery. Very fine in dust jacket.

The Sign of the Book by John Dunning, Scribner, NY. 2005. First Edition. SIGNED. $35.00

Fourth Cliff Janeway bibliomystery. Very fine in dust jacket.

Archangel by Robert Harris, Hutchinson, London. 1998. First Edition. SIGNED. $35.00

Excellent thriller set in modern Moscow. Very fine in dust jacket.

Fifty-Two Pickup by Elmore Leonard, Delacorte, NY. 1974. First Edition. SIGNED. $350.00

A fine copy in a price-clipped dust jacket which has very small nicks and tears along edges, corners and spine ends.

The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapper by John D. MacDonald, Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1973. First American Hardcover Edition. $400.00

Bookplate, else a fine copy in a beautiful, sharp dust jacket and scarce in this condition.

(Ross Macdonald) Inward Journey edited by Ralph B. Sipper, Cordelia Editions, Santa Barbara. 1984. First Edition. $35.00

Limited to only 1,000 copies. Contains two essays by Macdonald and tributes to the late author by numerous authors including William Goldman, Robert B. Parker, Eudora Welty, and Reynolds Price. Signed (on request) by Otto, who contributed an essay. Very fine in dust jacket.

(Ross Thomas) The Highbinders as by Oliver Bleeck, Morrow, NY. 1974. First Edition. $100.00

Fine in dust jacket.

Blues of a Lifetime by Cornell Woolrich, Popular Press, Bowling Green. 1991. $35.00

Woolrich’s autobiography. Very fine in dust jacket.


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